GPS entertainment triggered by vehicle location.
GPS stories, GPS games, GPS guided tours, and more!
Partnering, licensing, and investment inquiries are welcome.
U.S. Patent Granted.
Immersive GPS-based storytelling, guided tours, games, user-created content, and more!
Sample story concept above: “Ghost Riders - Death’s Hitchhikers.” A variety of ghosts enter your vehicle as you travel. Some are friendly, some are not! Learn their motives (and secrets) during an exciting driving adventure! Immersive storytelling Incorporates local surroundings and landmarks into the story as you pass by them. Production includes voice actors, music, sound effects, and interaction with connected devices.
Partnering, licensing, and investment inquiries are welcome.
How large is the potential audience?
The Pennsylvania Turnpike alone averages
200,000,000 non-commercial vehicles/year